Sam Cross is a keen athlete and this year he’s 9th in the UK and top in the Midlands for his age group in the 800 metres, his favourite running distance.
Sam Cross is a keen athlete and this year he’s 9th in the UK and top in the Midlands for his age group in the 800 metres, his favourite running distance.
This season he has created a book to track all of the competitions he’s taken part in. He’s collected his number for each meet, recorded the result – especially if he got a personal best, and has put any press clippings in the book as well.
He said: “It’s great to see all of the things I’ve done this season. Sometimes you forget so it’s good to have them all in the book.”
Sam competes in the under 13 category, and not just in 800 metres. He also takes part in the 1500m, 60m, 100m and the long jump. He will also shortly be taking part in the shotput so that he can begin competing in quadrathlon competitions too.
He is currently 9th in the UK and first in the Midlands this season at the 800 metres. He says: “The 800 metres is my favourite, but I also like the long jump. I’m just one centimetre off a ranking in that one at the minute.”
Keep on trying Sam, with your determination we’re sure you’ll get that ranking very soon!
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