Ahead of Fridays St Michael’s Hospice supporting Yellow Day, Battle Abbey Prep School were joined in assembly by Hannah Hildreth, Community Fundraiser from St Michael's.
Ahead of Friday’s St Michael’s Hospice supporting Yellow Day, Battle Abbey Prep School were joined in assembly by Hannah Hildreth, Community Fundraiser from St Michael's. She spoke about all the important work that goes on at the Hospice and how the pupil’s funds are spent to help people in the community.
Hannah said; ‘Battle Abbey Prep School have taken part in our Yellow Week event for many years now, and we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for their continued support of St. Michael’s Hospice. I was very happy to be invited to the school to speak in Assembly, and the students shared some fantastic, thoughtful ideas with me about the Hospice.
St. Michael’s Hospice provides high quality, responsive palliative care and bereavement support to the community of Hastings and Rother, and every penny raised will help them continue to do so.
We are heavily dependent on the generosity of local individuals, companies, groups and trusts. With around 35% of our total funding coming from the Government in the form of various grants, we still need to raise well over £4.3 million each year to maintain our current levels of service.’
Yellow Week is the Hospice’s annual awareness week, when they ask local schools, businesses and clubs to ‘Go Yellow’ for the day.
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